Brooke & Hunter ~Decatur, Il children’s photographer~
These two cuties came to me for their birthday pictures about a month apart. Brooke turned 7 & Hunter turned 3. Sarah styled the kids perfectly. Simply with light patterns, but the kids looked amazing, and their outfits clearly matched their personalities. Follow this link to see their outfits in action!
Poor Brooke was so willing to do the pictures, but of course, we got rained on. But it didn’t stop us! We just danced in the rain. Interesting fact: Sarah and I both pulled up the WAND app, and had two different displays on the radar. Mine showed nothing, and hers showed rain. Clearly, mine was incorrect.
But I digress. Brooke and I just improvised a bit, and you’d never know we were pretty damp by the end of the session. I have to say that her images turned out amazing, and it was so fun working with her.