Brooke & Hunter ~Decatur, Il children’s photographer~

 These two cuties came to me for their birthday pictures about a month apart. Brooke turned 7 & Hunter turned 3. Sarah styled the kids perfectly. Simply with light patterns, but the kids looked amazing, and their outfits clearly matched their personalities.  Follow this link  to see their outfits in action!


Poor Brooke was so willing to do the pictures, but of course, we got rained on. But it didn’t stop us! We just danced in the rain. Interesting fact: Sarah and I both pulled up the WAND app, and had two different displays on the radar. Mine showed nothing, and hers showed rain. Clearly, mine was incorrect.


But I digress. Brooke and I just improvised a bit, and you’d never know we were pretty damp by the end of the session. I have to say that her images turned out amazing, and it was so fun working with her.

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My Struggles as a Mother

Every so often, I plan on taking a break from my photography to just write, and hopefully you relate (sounds good in theory, right?!). And tonight, well tonight I reflect on what I would consider a bad day of parenting on my part. Not the first, nor the last sadly. Long story short, Gemma was pretty emotional today- her naps got all messed up, and well, everyone suffered. I was trying to learn a new program, edit pictures, run errands, pick up the house, referee the cat and the dog (believe me, it’s necessary), do laundry, cook dinner, return messages, and parent my child. You can probably guess by the title of this blog where I feel I MAY have failed today. It seems that as soon as I figure out how to balance her needs with everything else, she changes, and my poor child is left with a mother that is utterly befuddled on how to proceed.
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Matt & Rachael’s Wedding Day ~Decatur, Il Wedding Photographer~


I haven’t photographed a ton of weddings. My clients know this. Everyone must start somewhere though, so when I’m commissioned to be a wedding photographer, I feel privileged to be a huge part of such a special day. It’s such an honor to be present on such a momentous occasion. I love every minute of wedding days. Who doesn’t!?

Meet Rachael & Matt Williams. This bride LOVES everything related to the fourth of July, so it was appropriate when she decided on July 5, 2014 for her wedding. Rachael nailed every detail. Every. Single. One. Every time I turned around, there was an element of the day I felt needed forever remembered. Red, white, and blue elements garnished the church and reception hall while rustic elements brought her beloved family farm/pond into the mix. Needless to say, the day was gorgeous as the weather we were blessed with enjoying.

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Chloe’s first milestone session ~ 3month session~

I love when clients bring their newborns to me.  I love it even more when they decide to come see me again!  Mindy & Matt brought miss Chloe to me last week for her first of hopefully many milestone session- her three month session.  This little girl was so alert her whole session.  Mom and I stressed for a bit because we weren't getting classic Chloe smiles.  Low and behold, as I was editing, I realized I got some amazing smiley pictures from her!  I love these toothless smiles of this age!  Click this link to see more of Chloe's album with a handful of precious smiles! One of my favorite things about babies are when they grab their toes.  I can't tell you why I enjoy this little facet of infancy, but it cracks me up, and I love capturing them grabbing their tootsies and folding in half like only a baby can (well perhaps there are adults that can, but I highly doubt its as adorable).
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The soon to be Sloan’s (Steele & Andrea) ~Decatur, Il Engagement session~

I love every session I photograph. Every single one. I laugh, learn, and appreciate every time you let me pick up my camera and catch a piece of time. You all get images that capture a moment in time (that you hopefully cherish and love), but I leave each session changed, and yearning to pick up my camera over and over again.   This particular session reaffirmed my love of photography with its amazing backdrops and more than willing subjects. This past Sunday Steele & Andrea welcomed me onto Steele’s family farm for their engagement session. I love my locations that I know like the back of my hand, but letting me loose on a whole farm? Oh man, so much fun to be had.   I made them get in a creek. Yes. It happened, and the images are amazing. But first, I have to tell you. I’m NOT directionally challenged until you put me in the country, my GPS doesn’t work, and my brain goes into overdrive imagining the pictures I could take if trespassing wasn’t illegal.
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