Fun things happening at HGP ~ Decatur, Il Photographer~

   So quite a few things have been going on behind the scenes here at Hidden Gem.  I’ve been working with a friend of mine who is building her clientele, and we’ve decided to collaborate on a few projects.  I want you all to meet Rachel Wooters, based out of Head Lines here in Decatur.

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Our first project that we’re super excited about is our BOUDOIR EVENT we’re hosting.  We wanted to do these in the summer when everyone is ready for bathing suit season instead of just coming off of the holidays.  Everyone has eaten a lot over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, and certainly everyone has spent a lot! We want to give you gorgeous ladies time to recover from all aspects of the holidays. I’ll be behind the camera (obviously), Rachel will be doing makeup, and her co-worker Amy will be providing hair services.  The first 5 ladies to put down their retainer ($100) will receive a 10% discount! (Click on the image for expanded image and more details)


Rachel has been doing makeup for ten years, having graduated from Sheer Learning and then trained extensively in Chicago, Texas, and New York.  Later, she graduated from the Master Program in 2010 from Makeup Designory (MUD) in Burbank, California.  Currently, she works at Head Lines as their Makeup Artist & Skincare Specialist.  The products you’ll see her use are an extensive line of Aveda, an amazing company you can read about here. In addition to makeup, she also offers facials.

 Just to show you all how amazing she is, we did a little experiment on yours truly.  Rachel will accentuate every gorgeous feature you have on your face.  Her process is detailed and thorough, no pore is overlooked or lash out of place.  Below, you’ll find me sans makeup (eee!), how I would normally do my makeup on a good day, and finally, my makeup after I have Rachel work her wonders.

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Finally, Rachel has been kind enough to offer her services to the mom’s that are joining us for our Mommy & Me Photo Session.  Since she’s donating her time and makeup, she’s going to just offer eyes (you’re welcome to upgrade, you’ll just have to discuss this prior to the event.).  I’ve firmed up the details, so mark your calendars… the event will be April 26th, and we’ll be heading out to 1912 Barn in Niantic and using the gorgeous property as a backdrop for the pictures!  If you haven’t gotten  me an e-mail or message yet specifically for the mommy & me topic, please do ASAP as e-mails are going out the end of this week with timing info!  If you need more info and missed the last blog post, check out the blog here.

As always, stay tuned, as there’s a lot more exciting stuff to come over the next few months!