The older newborn.
Babes older than a months but less than two months.
You survived having a newborn during a pandemic. You seriously deserve a medal, momma.
Yes, I may not be able to do as many curly poses. Or sometimes, we will...
Yes, more patience and time may be required, and that's absolutely fine!
Yes, you should absolutely consider getting this little chapter of your lives photographed. The one that says I survived social distancing with a newborn. Covid-19 took so much joy from this period of your lives and we're about to infuse a bunch back into it.
May 29th. That's the day I can legally open. HGP will still have some self-imposed restrictions to ensure the peace of mind of everyone, but in just five days, we're good to go.
The older newborn.
More eye contact. Actual smiles. Predictable schedules.
As you've found out, those first few weeks are pretty hard. You're on the other side of post partum recovery, the absolute worst of the sleepless nights and figuring out your tiny human. It's time to celebrate! I don't want you to think that just because your baby is older, it's impossible to still have the quintessential newborn session.
Reach out momma. Fill out that contact form. Tell me about your newborn and what kind of session you'd like to see take place and we'll try to make it happen. I won't lie and say it'll be the same because nothing else has stayed the same as of late, but it'll be gorgeous nonetheless. I promise.