Summer Mini's are LIVE! HGP kicked them off the best way possible- with my niece (and her parents, but I mean, we really only care about my niece, right?).
I had a full blog post written out, and lost it. So I'm bummed and it'll probably take me days to write the new one... waaaaahhh.
Anyways, this session came really close to not happening. My sister in law came to my studio to pick up a headband and I think the whole neighborhood could hear miss Charlotte screaming. So Chelley tried a quick nursing, a little decompress time, and we loaded up. Cue more screaming. Get to our location, and she's still pissed. Honestly, I don't want to make your babies cooperate. They're allowed to have bad days too, and the last thing anyone wants to do is spend a half hour or longer making their baby smile, play, and engage. I mean, maybe that's something you don't mind, but me? Nope. No thank you.
So we pushed through, albeit hesitantly. I mean, a screaming baby for the half hour prior to the session doesn't bode well for a happy baby. For the first 20 minutes Charlotte mean mugged me. And I mean, if looks could convey thoughts, this baby was telling me this was duuuumb.
Lo and behold. We put the baby in the grass and all was well. If you know babies, you know that grass is hit or miss. Some babes despise it, others will tolerate it. Last time she was in grass, she was not of the latter. The grass was the trick though! Basically it became a waiting game. She's pluck a few pieces and then wave them wildly around grinning the whole time. It was just a matter of time before she was looking at me with amazing smiles and bright blue eyes. Cue the parents to either play with babe or look at me and we have an AMAZING gallery. We got so much done in such a short amount of time. I would've bet my evening summer shandy that there was no way Charlotte was going to hang with us. Good thing I didn't! Hope you love the gallery, sis!
If you want to take advantage of our family mini's while they're available (they go on hiatus mid-September through December 31st), here's the LINK to book yours now!