We’re jumping right in and meeting Farrow from MCAC and Decatur & Macon County Animal Foundation. This gorgeous guy has been at the shelter for over a YEAR. He desperately needs a home and to get out of the kennel permanently. Since he’s black, and big, he’s more likely to get overlooked. Look how pretty he lays down!

Philly is a boxer/pit mix, and tends to not be the best of friends with other dogs, but would love to be your new bestest bud. This pup loves blankets to cuddle up in, and volunteers are confident house training is going amazingly well. One look at those sad eyes will sway you to give Philly a chance.
Roamer cracked me up. Being only one and a half , Beth from Miti Fine was a little worried about Roamer being still for pictures since he hadn’t been out for the day. He walked over to the blanket, looked at me, sat down, gave me the most straight forward look, and was on his way. It’s like he was determined to show us whose boss! This brindle has some energy, but is more than willing to love you and your family. Let’s get him home before he becomes a long term stay- we’re almost there in 2 months.
Adorable is just that- an adorable one and a half year old. This dog has the prettiest eyes you will ever see on an animal, and some how just hit her 6 months stay at the shelter. She lives for balls, fetch, balls, and playing- fetch with balls. She’s actually limited on how much she gets balls because she’s likely to throw them out of her kennel, and staff are constantly retrieving them for her, again and again. Go check her out- and watch out for balls getting tossed! But make sure to bring one- and you’ll have a best friend for life.
Abe is a cuddle bug, and a dog that really needs to get out of the kennel and have a home to curl up in. He’s been living the shelter life for almost a year, and he’s 3 years old, so over a third of this guys’ poor life has been in a kennel. His coloring is gorgeous, and has the most alert expression when he’s curious!
Allie is the perfect sized dog for any family. She’s not a little dog, but she’s certainly not a large dog either. She loves blankets (as seen in her picture) and LOVES tug o war. She’s stayed 7 months too long in the shelter, and would love to have a home rather than a kennel.
Jasmine cracked me up, she has some cute nicknames from the volunteers. I heard rinky dink and tootsie roll thrown out there, and they describe her so perfectly. She’s short and stocky, but oh so loving and adorable. I seriously think she’s as tall as she is wide! She’s around 2, and lived in the shelter for almost 8 month, almost half her short life. Take her for a walk- you’ll love her!
Not only did I get to meet 25 amazing, home-worthy dogs (and a bunch of cats!), I got to get to know the volunteers better, and wish everyone could know their dedication to these animals. Their pain is palpable in not being able to give every animal a home. Their patience knows no bounds for the dogs they are working with, and enthusiasm for helping the animals is contagious.
Finally, a few notes on the dogs themselves. If you are thinking of adopting, don’t do what I did. I looked for the dog that was calm, and found Gigi. While I don’t regret my choice (ok, ok the fence jumping thing gets old :)), I regret not giving other dogs a chance too. I overlooked dogs that were barking and circling because they seemed to be too hyper. I didn’t take into account the 20+ hours a day they spend kenneled, and how I never even somewhat tried to get to know their personality. I never asked anyone about them, or even shared a moment with them. Some probably walk fantastically on a leash, or settle the second they’re in the arms of a human. So please, if you go to a shelter, take the dog out, give them a chance to show you who they are outside of the kennel.
If you read this far, please leave a comment and share who your favorite is! I’m blogging the other 19 in the next few days, (if they don’t go home first!). There are some really critical dogs needing homes in the next blog. In case you missed it, check out this blog and its follow up from the last session. Also, check out the updated gallery. If you see someone you’d like to know better message me, and I’ll get you that pups info ASAP!