Lucas turns 1! ~Decatur, Il photographer~ First birthday session~Cake Smash!~

I am so lucky to have such fun clients.  Lucas’ mom brought his letters from him room, and a big lollipop and candy for a “candy smash”.  Needless to say, the colors were fun, even if Lucas has absolutely zero interest in his sucker!  However, he was more than happy to look right at my camera, and give me amazing smiles every time we said “cheeeeeeese”

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Once babies have their fill of cake, we cleanup the mess, and then I bust out my old tub, fill it with bubbles, and watch them splash away.  This makes life easier from the parents, as most of the mess we encourage the babes to make gets washed away, plus we get amazing bath time images.  Since most babies love bath time, this is a fun way to end the session (unless they don’t like getting out of the bath… then we’re subject to meltdowns).

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Many already know I love baby feet (who doesn’t), so when they stick those little toesies out of the tub, I get stupid excited.  It’s the little things, right?  I think this has to be my favorite image from the whole day.  Which one is yours?  Check out Lucas’ gallery here!Lucas1stBirthdaySession (1 of 1)-48