I need your help!

This is something that has weighed on my mind for sometime now.  I want to help.  Bare with me.  I get quite wordy (but you know this by now, RIGHT?)

Since I can remember, I've never considered myself a creative.  I would watch friends draw, paint, sculpt etc.  I rode horses.  There's not too much you can do creatively besides getting creative at cleaning stalls as fast as possible.

Now I've found what I can consider a creative gift.  I create art through the lens of my camera; it's my craft.  I visualize a set, incorporate the subjects (you all), and picture how this would look in an album, on a canvas, in a frame. In your homes.  Well loved now and for years to come.

So now I need your help because now is the time to give back.  Over the years I've searched and nothing panned out long term.  How can Hidden Gem have more purpose besides the art I create?  I've thought of asking for donations (diapers, wipes, supplies) in exchange for additional images.  I've thought about a Pay What You Can day so every family that wants a family picture would have one and donate proceeds.  I already volunteer for organizations like Gold Hope Project.  There are TONS of organizations, both locally and globally, and I want to hear which ones you love and would love to see supported.

I want to hear ALL of your suggestions, especially if you are directly involved and know of a way I can help.  Maybe there's a non-profit out there that you already support and know they would LOVE donations.  Perhaps there's an organization that could use photographs for social media purposes to raise awareness for their causes.  Ideally, I eventually hope to find something super related to Hidden Gem and can synthesize my love of newborn photography with helping others.  Things having to do with animals, babies, or even childhood cancer.

This is something I want to instill in my children.  That YOU can be the ones that make a difference.  That no effort or amount is too small.  That kindness is one thing, but actually giving and DOING is another.  I see that Hidden Gem has the capacity to do more, and should.  Will you help me?  Comment below, e-mail, send links, etc.

Until next time,
