Hello lovelies,
This post (as well as every. single. one. I write) is much belated. In a perfect world, I would have had one of those beautiful collages you see with an image from each session, or at least summarizing the year with my favorites. Heck- I still haven’t blogged my own DAUGHTER. But, we all know that it’s a little different ballgame going from one to two, and time simply got away from me.
So. I think we can all agree that HGP had a wonderful year. But. The Lange’s had an even better year. I mean. HAVE YOU SEEN ELLA KATE?!?!? I can say this with extra exuberance because she just slept 10 hours for the first time last night. Actually, she just started sleeping through the night this week. She’s only six months, so….
Anyways. This year has been amazing. Don’t know if I can top it since there will be no new Lange’s to welcome, but my best friend is having a baby, so there’s that. However, I’m planning on having an amazing year with HGP. There are several things I super excited about, but in the meantime, I’ll still be focusing on my newborns and my wedding photography. If you or someone you know if having a baby or recently added some sparkle to the left ring finger, contact me today to set up a consultation!
With that said. What would you like to see out of HGP this year? A better referral program (would you use it if I provided it)? Different mini’s? More print products offered? Tell me what you want. I’m listening.
But mostly, have a wonderful year. Choose kindness when you can, especially when you’d rather not. Judge less, love more. Give back. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Love and appreciate those around you.
It might go without saying, but I’m saying it anyways. Book those sessions. Even if its not with me. Get those memories recorded for your children and the generations behind them. Digital files aren’t enough. Print them. I guarantee the computer, disc, usb you have your wedding pictures, newborns images, family session, etc. sitting on isn’t going to be where you think it is in 5, 10, 20, 30 years.
Happy New Year ya’ll. Thank you for everything. It’s been a crazy ride!
Bring on 2017